Linux System Administration and Security

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This report shows the basic commands used in Linux system administration and security.

Using Linux Bash terminal.

  1. Determine the current location.
  1. Show current most process highest CPU usage.
  1. Print at the screen all PATH environment variables.
  1. Save the above in point 4 in a file called Path.txt
  2. Show the content of the Path.txt
  1. Create a new user named user1 , user2. Create passwords.
  2. Verify both users have been created by checking the passwd and shadow files.
  1. Log out from your current user and login as user1
  2. Verify you are at the user1 home directory.
  1. Create new folder called Folder 1
  1. Change to the Folder1 directory and create a file File1
  1. Check the permission of File1
  1. Log out from user1 and login as user2.
  1. Does user2 have access to File1?

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